We host public events with thought leaders to inform folks of important problems and workshop actionable steps and long-term solutions.
In addition to hosting public events, the Media and Democracy Project meets virtually once a month on Mondays. We aim to better understand and respond to the factors that influence public opinion, voters and democracy. Register for a meeting here.
MAR 29
Screening: "Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink" + Director Rick Goldsmith

Who will control the future of America’s news ecosystem: Wall Street billionaires concerned only with profit, or those who see journalism as an essential public service, the lifeblood of our democracy?
Join us for a virtual screening of Stripped For Parts followed by a Q&A with director Rick Goldsmith. Then be empowered with actions you can take to fight for local journalism! 8-10:30pm ET.
Sign up for the event here.
NOV 20
How Media Moguls Abuse Their Power, Manipulate the Truth, and Distort Democracy
Journalist and editor, Eric Beecher, joins us to discuss his powerful new book, The Men Who Killed The News: The Inside Story of How Media Moguls Abused Their Power, Manipulated Truth, and Distorted Democracy. He will share his experiences working for and tangling with Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch and discuss the history of abuse of power by media owners. 8pm ET.
Sign up for the event here.
OCT 16
Rupert Murdoch’s Global War on Democracy and Climate

A conversation and Q&A with Malcolm Turnbull, former Prime Minister of Australia. 8pm ET.
Sign up for the event here.
AUG 15
Fox News, the Murdochs, and the 2024 Elections

Join us for a lively discussion and Q&A with Media Matters for America’s Senior Fellow Matt Gertz. The discussion will center on the Murdoch media empire and the role that Fox News is playing in bolstering right-wing narratives ahead of the upcoming election. 8pm ET.
Sign up for the event here.
JUL 20
SCREENING: "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" and Discussion with Truth Tuesdays

Screening followed by discussion of actions you can take to fight back against Fox propaganda with special guest - the most effective protest group against Fox/Murdochs/Newscorp.
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism is a 2004 documentary that exposes the pervasive bias of the Fox News Channel, and its owner Rupert Murdoch, that contradicts its claim of being "Fair and Balanced". It is urgent that Americans wake up the manipulation and harm Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes intentionally built into "Fox" media properties. Director Robert Greenwald; Stars: Douglas Cheek, Walter Cronkite, Bob McChesney.
JAN 24
A Conversation w/Margaret Sullivan: “How Journalism Can Help Save Democracy. An Exploration - and an Action Plan!"

Margaret Sullivan joins us for a conversation and Q&A about the role pro-democracy journalism has to play in fighting the fascist threat at our doorstep - and how we can help. Ms. Sullivan is an author, journalist, and the former Public Editor of the New York Times.
A Conversation w/Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat:
"How Media and Journalism Can Defend Democracy from Fascism"

Fascism is on the rise in our country as Nazis parade through our streets and candidates for office issue calls to violence. Professor Ben-Ghiat, an expert on the "strongman" playbook, joins us to discuss the role journalism has to play in defending democracy against authoritarian demagogues.
Why the Media Needs a Major Reset in the Age of MAGA Extremism

With one party becoming authoritarian and promoting dangerous lies, “both-sidesism” has become a threat to our democracy. Dan Froomkin ( joined us to discuss how the media should respond to, and cover, the current threats of MAGA extremism.
How Giant Media Companies & Dark Money Sabotage the FCC & Democracy

Gigi Sohn, a recent nominee of President Biden for the Federal Communication Commission, discussed how her nomination was sabotaged by Big Telecom, dark money, right wing extremist groups, and media oligarchs, as well as other issues shaping media and democracy.
Gigi Sohn is one of the nation’s leading public advocates for open, affordable and democratic communications networks.
What Can We Do to Solve the Crisis of Journalism and Fix Our FCC?

Robert McChesney, Professor of Communication at University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign joined us for an engaging discussion and Q&A about proposed solutions to the crisis of local journalism and media diversity.
FEB 25
Screening and Discussion of Mr. Jones

Andrea Chalupa, author / screenwriter of "Mr. Jones" and co-host of the podcast Gaslit Nation. Streamed screening of "Mr. Jones" followed by Q&A with Andrea.
APR 12
Join our Fight Against #HateForProfit and Disinformation

Nandini Jammi, co-founder Sleeping Giants and Check-My-Ads. Pioneer activist in defunding hate-for-profit and disinformation via adtech and brand awareness.
DEC 15
Saving Democracy Through Local Journalism

Peter Shaplen, Journalist, AP Mark Twain Award winner, (co-hosted with Secure Elections Network).
JUN 21
Dark Money: Poison of American Democracy

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, author of The Scheme: How the Right Wing Used Dark Money to Capture the Supreme Court, (co-hosted with Blue-Wave Brigade).
MAY 15
People You May Know: Screening and Director Q&A

Katharina Gellein Viken, co-director People You May Know, an exploration into the political alliance among religious fundamentalists, oligarchs, and Cambridge Analytica's shell companies that have fundamentally shifted the balance of politics in the United States.
FEB 25 2021
The Unholy Alliance: How Christian Nationalists, Plutocrats & Disinformation Platforms Sabotage Democracy

Anne Nelson, author of Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right.
AUG 20
Media and Democracy - What You Can - and Need to Do

Robert W. McChesney, co-author of Rich Media. Poor Democracy" & "Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex Is Destroying America, co-founder of Free Press.
JUN 27 2020
The Brainwashing of My Dad: How the Rise of the Right-Wing Media Changed a Father and Divided Our Nation--And How We Can Fight Back: Screening and Director Q&A

MAY 28
How to combat disinformation / misinformation

Nora Benavides, a civil and human rights attorney.
DEC 19
Oligarchy vs Democracy - What Can Activists Do?